Sprawdź, w jaki sposób pomagamy naszym Klientom w rozwiązywaniu ich problemów rekrutacyjnych!

W obecnej sytuacji na rynku pracy wiele firm staje przed wieloma wyzwaniami związanym z dotarciem do kandydatów o odpowiednich umiejętnościach. Jako Agencja Rekrutacyjna korzystamy z całej naszej wiedzy, aby pomóc naszym Klientom w szybkim i sprawnym obsadzeniu kluczowych ról zarówno w IT, jak i w innych obszarach.

Poniżej znajdziesz kilka historii naszych Klientów.

Poznaj historie naszych Klientów

Case Study

Jak znaleźć jedynego kandydata na płytkim rynku

Jeśli rynek kandydatów jest bardzo płytki, np. ze względu na ograniczony zakres geograficzny oferty oraz specyficzne wymagania techniczne, należy podejść bardzo niestandardowo. Zobacz, w jaki sposób znaleźliśmy i doprowadziliśmy do zatrudnienia jedynego dostępnego kandydata na lokalnym rynku.

Porozmawiajmy, jak możemy wesprzeć Twoje rekrutacje

Wyrażam zgodę TeamQuest Sp. z o.o. na przetwarzanie moich danych osobowych w celu marketingu produktów i usług własnych TeamQuest, w tym na kontaktowanie się ze mną w formie połączenia telefonicznego lub środkami elektronicznymi. [pokaż więcej]

Zobacz nasze referencje

As the COO of Adar sp. z o.o., I am delighted to extend my highest recommendation for TeamQuest for their services in the recruitment sector. Our collaboration with them, particularly for the critical position of Sales Representative, has been a testament to their unparalleled expertise and commitment to excellence.

TeamQuest’s understanding of our specific needs for Sales Representatives, combined with their extensive network of talented professionals, resulted in the acquisition of candidates who were not only technically adept but also aligned perfectly with our company's vision and culture.

In conclusion, the partnership with TeamQuest has been invaluable to us. Their dedication to delivering quality candidates promptly, coupled with their flexible approach to recruitment, has greatly contributed to the success of our projects.

Adar Sp. z o.o.
Bartosz - Chief Operating Officer

I am writing to express my deep appreciation and commend TeamQuest for their outstanding service and support during our recent recruitment process. As the Hiring Manager at Decsoft, it has been my pleasure to work closely with their team, who have shown exceptional understanding and alignment with our business needs.

What sets TeamQuest apart is their remarkable ability to grasp the nuanced requirements of our industry and the specific roles we needed to fill. Their insightful approach to understanding our business, not just as a client but as a partner, has been instrumental in identifying and attracting the right talent. The candidates they presented were not only qualified but also well-suited to our company culture and values, which is pivotal in our line of work.

Their professionalism and dedication throughout the process have been commendable. They maintained open and consistent communication, ensuring we were always informed and involved in every step of the recruitment journey. Their proactive approach in addressing our needs and providing timely feedback made the entire process seamless and efficient.

In summary, TeamQuest's thorough understanding of our business needs, combined with their expertise in talent acquisition, has greatly contributed to the success of our recruitment endeavors. I wholeheartedly recommend their services to any organization seeking a recruitment partner that truly understands and delivers on business-specific requirements.

Decsoft S.A.
Ewa - Kierownik ds. Administracje Personalnej i Plac