Ta oferta pracy jest już nieaktualna.
Zapraszamy do wysłania życiorysu - skontaktujemy się w przypadku wznowienia projektu lub podobnej oferty.
Zapraszamy do wysłania życiorysu - skontaktujemy się w przypadku wznowienia projektu lub podobnej oferty.
Key duties:
- Unloading and loading of consignments in the terminal, their sorting and transport to the appropriate storage fields
- Continuous control of the quantitative and qualitative state of consignments and packaging
- Continuous reporting of quality deviations and quantitative discrepancies to the foreman/manager
Job requirements:
- Experience in similar position
- UDT qualifications and ability to drive a forklift
- Willingness to work in a shift system
- Diligence
- Responsibility
We offer:
- Employment based on an employment contract - full-time
- SIM card for private use with free calls and internet
- Christmas packages for children
- Free private medical care
- Group insurance
- Fuel discounts
- Multisport sports card
- Possibility of overtime work
- Trainings and courses necessary for professional development