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Zapraszamy do wysłania życiorysu - skontaktujemy się w przypadku wznowienia projektu lub podobnej oferty.
Job description:
- The candidate's task will be to expand the service department, which initially will involve a large amount of business travel. If the candidate familiarizes themselves with the machines and implements tools for remote servicing, the number of trips will significantly decrease.
- Performing service work on industrial machines,
- Analyzing errors occurring on industrial machines,
- Proposing and implementing improvements,
- Gathering information necessary for performing service work,
- Planning infrastructure enabling remote service work,
- Conducting training on operation and servicing of machines.
Desired skills & experience:
- Communicative knowledge of German(B2) and English
- Experience in programming Siemens PLC controllers
- Experience in servicing and operating industrial robots: ABB or Fanuc or Staubli
- Experience in servicing industrial machinery
- High readiness for business travel, including international travel
- Strong interpersonal skills, customer contact
We offer:
- Employment based on B2B or employment contract (UoP)
- Bonus system + allowances
- Company car
- Remote work from anywhere in Poland
- Flexible working hours
- Language learning support (if needed)